Lab Rules

  1. Students must enter the experiments in the day, time and laboratory assigned. Failure to do so will be treated as absence from the laboratory session and they might fail the lecture.
  2. Students can learn their group and the starting experiment number from Ninova.
  3. Students must come to the laboratory on time with white lab coat, lab goggles and latex gloves. If a student does not come to the laboratory with these items or misses the laboratory more than 10 minutes, they will be dismissed and treated as failure.
  4. A student who cannot pass the laboratory safety examination, which will be made at the beginning of semester, by 60 out of 100 points cannot start the experiments until he/she fulfills the conditions. When calculating the success grade, the result of the student's first exam will be taken into account.
  5. The final laboratory score will include the Safety Examination (12 %) and experiments (88 %; each experiment has a share of 11 % in the total).
  6. Students must study the experiment they will do before coming to the laboratory. At the end of the experiment, students will take a written exam in the laboratory on the experiment they are responsible for.
  7. Students must give concentration to the experiment they are doing; without the permission of the laboratory assistant, no student may go out of the laboratory, leave his/her bench, not use mobile phones.
  8. In order to provide life safety, committing practical jokes, touching unknown chemicals, and sniffing and tasting them are strictly prohibited.
  9. Students will use the glassware and chemicals in their bench only; if needed, they will ask the required chemicals and/or glassware from the laboratory assistant. No materials on the other benches are to be taken. After the experiment, students will wash the glassware they used and clean the laboratory bench with a cloth.
  10. Every student must get or purchase the "Experiment Check List", which might be purchased from the photocopy store or downloaded. After the experiment, the student will have the laboratory assistant sign the form. The forms will be collected after the laboratory semester, so students must keep the forms with them until the end of the semester.
  11. Attendance compulsion is 80% for the laboratory semester. 
  12. Students with a medical report must send their report, including their CRN and missed experiment information, to within 5 business days from the end date of the report. Students who come to the laboratory but are not included in the experiment because they do not meet the necessary conditions are considered to be absent, and any medical reports that these students may bring will definitely not be accepted.
  13. Make-up experiments will be available for only those with reasonable reports (health, etc.).
  14. Experiment score will be given out of 100 points, 60% of which will include the quiz and the 40% of which will comprise the activities and cleanliness in the laboratory.


  1. Determination of Acetic Acid in Vinegar
  2. Hydrates
  3. Determination of Sodium Hypochlorite Levels in Bleach
  4. Synthesis of Soap
  5. Determination and Removal of Hardness of Water 
  6. Quantitative Preparation of KCl 
  7. VSEPR
  8. Thermochemistry: Determination of the Heat of Reaction




 Week Monday   Tuesday  Wednesday    Friday
1 17.02.2025  18.02.2025 19.02.2025

No course
2 24.02.2025 25.02.2025 26.02.2025

No course
3 3.03.2025 4.03.2025  5.03.2025 

4 10.03.2025 11.03.2025  12.03.2025

Safety exam
5 17.03.2025
18.03.2025 19.03.2025

Exp. 1-2
6 24.03.2025 25.03.2025 26.03.2025

Exp. 1-2
7 7.04.2025  8.04.2025 9.04.2025

Exp. 3-4
8 14.04.2025  15.04.2025 16.04.2025

Exp. 3-4 
9 21.04.2025 22.04.2025 23.04.2025
(No Course Official Holiday)

Exp. 5-6 for Monday and Tuesday groups
10 28.04.2025 29.04.2025  30.04.2025 

Exp. 5-6 
11 5.05.2025 6.05.2025 7.05.2025

Exp. 7-8 for Monday and Tuesday groups
Exp. 5-6 for Wednesday groups
12 12.05.2025 13.05.2025  14.05.2025

Exp. 7-8
13 19.05.2025 
(No Course Official Holiday) 
20.05.2025 21.05.2025 

Make-up for Tuesday groups
Exp.7-8 for Wednesday group
14 26.05.2025  27.05.2025 28.05.2025 
